Thursday, May 21, 2015

Why Should You Learn Python - Getting Started - Python Tutorial

Why Should You Learn PythonWhy Should You Learn Python

Why should you learn Python? Well the easiest answer to that question is because it is absolutely amazing! That may be not good enough answer to persuade you to learn Python. So in this tutorial we are going to try to convince you to learn Python over other programming languages. There is no simple explanation why over a million programmers have chosen to use Python as their go to programming language in their projects. Below you will find several reasons why Python has been chosen time and time again.


Why should you learn Python? I asked this question again under the powerful headline because this will show you why Python is chosen over and over.  Python is powerful enough for Google and NASA.  That is right Python is used by two of biggest technology companies in world. How about some light reading about why NASA has chosen Python Conviced yet? Ok how about some more reasons check these out


The Python language is easy to read when compared to other languages. The Python code can even be read by people who never saw code before. Reading Python code is like reading a english language.  If you can read than you can read the code. Once you’re able to read the code learning how to write the code is very simple with some practice. Practice brings on memorization of how to write the code and limits the need for reference manuals and hours of research like some other languages require.  Python has a pretty simple syntax which is why it is so simple to read.


The code you have written or other, programmers have written can be reused in your programs with ease. Python was designed so you do not have to repeat yourself(rewrite the code). Python supports object oriented and functional programming which gives us the ability to type the code once and call it when needed.


It takes less code to write programs in Python than some other popular programming languages out there. The less code you need to write to make things happen in your software means the more time you have to spend doing other things you love.


Python offers software packages which are easy imported into your software so you do not have to write code that has been already written by your fellow Python programmers. This again revisits the concept do not repeat yourself which means less work for us. As of today, there are 55,000 packages available for you to use in your programs. If you would want to check out the Python Package repository visit We will show how to import packages in our tutorials.


The Python programming language has a lot of support across the internet. If you Google a Python question then you will get hundreds of answers to your question.  A word of warning though make sure you find a quality source to constantly refer to like our site.  Some sources across the web could confuse you more than help you. When I have a question I always turn to the Python documentation at this is the main source for the Python Programming language.

It is Just Flat Out Fun To Work With

I have worked with PHP, Ruby, C and Python, but Python is by far my favorite. It has a great deal to do with the ease of use and the support that the language has which keeps me so interested in Python. I quickly noticed how much more I liked Python over other languages after a couple of days of working with the language.  I am not bashing any other languages I just enjoy this language more than the others.  You may disagree with me and that is fine everyone has their preference.

I hope we answered your question why should you learn Python? This language seems to have a lot of great aspects but it also has only one downside that I have noticed and that is speed as computers get faster it is tougher to see the speed issue so I will not discuss that anymore. If you have any questions please leave us a comment below so we can help you out.



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