Monday, May 25, 2015

Install Python 3 on Windows - Getting Started - Python Tutorial

Install Python 3 on WindowsIn this tutorial, we are going to look at how to install Python 3 on a Windows operating system. Unlike Mac, Windows has no default Python software installed on its computers. When we install Python on the Windows computer this will be the only Python available. I apologize that I do not have screenshots but for some reason my wife’s laptop will not take screen shots so if you need more help check out our video tutorial.

Download Python 3

Step 1 – Visit this is the primary site for the Python Programming Language. If this is the first time you have visited the Python website after you’re done with this tutorial I suggest that you cruise their website. They have so much great information.

Step 2 – On the main menu hover over Downloads on the right side of the drop down click on Python 3.4.X. X will be a number currently at this time of this tutorial the current version is Python 3.4.2. As long as you click on Python 3 you are ready to go. Download will begin.

Install Python 3 on Windows

Step 1 – Locate your download.  Most likely in your downloads folder or if you use Google chrome it will be on the bottom of the browser.

Step 2 – Open File – Security Warning may open click on the run button.

Step 3 – Select whether to set up Python 3.4.X for all users on this computer.  Your choice here how you wish to install the software for all users or just for you. Then click next.

Step 4 – The Select Destination Directory I suggest that you leave it as current unless you know what you are doing. Then click next. If you change the location Python may not work on your computer.

Step 5 – Customize Python 3.4.X. Leave everything as is but scroll down to “Add python.exe to Path” click on the button and select “Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive” then click next.

Step 6 – The installation process will start. You may get a message “Do you want to allow the following program to install software on your computer” click yes.

Step 7 – You will see a screen that says Complete Python 3.4.X Installer click finish.

Test The Installation

Step 1 – Click on the start button on the bottom left hand corner

Step 2 – In the search type cmd this opens command prompt on Windows and hit enter

Step 3 – When your command prompt opens type “python” no quotes.

You should see the following in your command prompt.

Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Yours should look similar to this. Please take notice of the Python 3.4.2 and below that >>> this means you’re in the interpreter.

If you get an error here please refer to the above video I will describe how to fix the issue. Try restarting your computer and if that doesn’t work the usual suspect when it comes to Python and Windows is the path and I will describe how to access your variables in your path and make the need changes.

Step 4 – Exit the interpreter using exit() or quit()

Awesome you have install Python 3 on your Windows computer.

Windows users for these tutorials I use a Mac so there is a couple differences I want you to be aware of.

  • When I say terminal that means Command Prompt to you

  • When I say open Python interpreter using python3 and means you use Python

  • When I say exit the interpreter using control + d that will not work for windows so will need to use exit() or quit() exit interpreter.

Other than those few issues above there really is no other differences. If you come across one please let us know since we use Macs here, but we want you Windows users to be able to follow a long as well.

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